
Has the Supreme Court Endorsed the Use of Junk Science in the Administrative State?

Has the Supreme Court Endorsed the Use of Junk Science in the Administrative State?

A recent Supreme Court decision could allow courts to rely on dubious science.

Defining and Establishing Goals for Medicare for All

Defining and Establishing Goals for Medicare for All

Although “Medicare for all” has picked up political traction, how it will materialize remains unclear.

Poetry Inspires Hope and Climate Action

Poetry Inspires Hope and Climate Action

Poetry can help combat despair and act as a force for optimism and change.

Regulating Alaska’s Salmon

Regulating Alaska’s Salmon

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game monitors effect of hatchery salmon on wild stocks.

Addressing the Constitutionality of Federal Quarantine Rules

Addressing the Constitutionality of Federal Quarantine Rules

Scholars say constitutionally shaky infectious disease regulations must yield to better prevention programs.

Statutory Clarity and Judicial Review of Regulatory Impact Analysis

Statutory Clarity and Judicial Review of Regulatory Impact Analysis

Precise statutory language corresponds to better benefit-cost analysis and more consistent judicial review.

Should the Federal Government Allow States to Require Medicaid Recipients to Work?

Should the Federal Government Allow States to Require Medicaid Recipients to Work?

A federal judge strikes a blow to two states’ Medicaid work requirements.

Do the Results of the EU Better Regulation Program Match Its Ambitions?

Do the Results of the EU Better Regulation Program Match Its Ambitions?

The Better Regulation program, built over the past two decades, has allowed the EU to regulate more effectively.

Can Sandboxes Protect Your Pocketbook?

Can Sandboxes Protect Your Pocketbook?

The CFPB has proposed new regulatory tools to promote innovation in the financial services sector.

How the Trump Administration Might Defend Its Border Emergency

How the Trump Administration Might Defend Its Border Emergency

The validity of the newest national emergency could be supported by decades-old emergencies.

Latest Interpretation of Clean Water Act Creates Circuit Split

Latest Interpretation of Clean Water Act Creates Circuit Split

Courts disagree over the Clean Water Act’s applicability to the discharge of pollutants into groundwater.

A Simpler and Less Adversarial System Would Be More Just

A Simpler and Less Adversarial System Would Be More Just

Improving the justice system requires more than just using technology and relaxing requirements for lawyers.