About Us

Affiliated with the Penn Program on Regulation and housed at the University of Pennsylvania Law SchoolThe Regulatory Review is the online source of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion. Every weekday throughout the entire year, The Regulatory Review publishes incisive, timely, and original content running the complete gamut of regulatory issues. Staffed by students from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, The Regulatory Review features work contributed by staff members, scholars, judges, attorneys, and others interested in regulatory developments. The opinions expressed on The Regulatory Review are the sole responsibility of their creators and do not necessarily represent those of The Regulatory Review, the Penn Program on Regulation, Penn Law, or the University of Pennsylvania.

University of Pennsylvania
The Regulatory Review


Sri Medicherla
Sri Medicherla

Managing Editor

Tyler Hoguet
Tyler Hoguet

Community Editor

Noah Brown
Noah Brown

Executive Editors

Josephine Phillips
Josephine Phillips

Hugh Rennie
Hugh Rennie

Brian Connor
Brian Connor

Julia Englebert
Julia Englebert

Content Editors

Alyson Diaz
Alyson Diaz

Melissa Bredbenner
Melissa Bredbenner

Carson Turner
Carson Turner

Michaela Bevan
Michaela Bevan

Spotlight Editor

Ariel Silverbreit
Ariel Silverbreit

Associate Editors

Sadie Basila

Macy Beryman

Kyle Bradley

Matthew Chagares

Cross Conrad

Georgia Gkoulgkountina

Zachary Schultz

Timothy Koo

Samantha Heavner

Connor Henderson

Gloria Lyu

Stephen Masterson

Tasneem Mohammad

George Porter

Mihir Rai

Aadam Barclay

Ellie Rudnick

Matthew Spero

Karson Taylor

Rachael Totz

Anagha Vasudevarao

Zoe Verni

Mikaela Wells






Carolina Bosso Citolino

Meha Chandra

Pin-Chia Chiu

Rania deLeon

Elizabeth Flatley

Leo Huang

Sam McQuistion





Faculty Advisors

Cary Coglianese

Matthew Wiener

Example of how to cite The Regulatory Review using Bluebook conventions:

Cary Coglianese, Is Government Truly Broken?, Regul. Rev. (Nov. 15, 2016), https://www.theregreview.org/2016/11/15/coglianese-government-truly-broken/.

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