Regulating Police Body-Worn Cameras
Law enforcements’ expanding use of cameras raises questions over how to design programs governing them.
Once They Are Tested, Can Genes Stay Private?
Scholars argue that increased use of direct-to-consumer genetic testing creates hidden privacy risks.
Exposing Children on the Internet
Law student argues that recent European Union privacy regulation does not fully protect children.
Rethinking Privacy on the Job
As surveillance of work activity increases, scholars argue for protecting privacy of employees.
A New Standard of Data Protection
Companies gear up to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
Strategies for Solving the Police Use of Force Crisis
Former FBI agent outlines ways departments can reduce deadly encounters between civilians and police.
The FTC Will Not Leave Companies to Their Own Devices
The FTC recently issued regulatory recommendations for the growing platform of devices in the Internet of Things.
Are Broadband Providers Putting Consumers’ Privacy at Risk?
Advocacy groups push the FCC to address data sharing among Internet companies.
Creating Guidance for an Invisible Threat
FDA issues new guidelines to medical device manufacturers to mitigate cybersecurity concerns.