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The Administrative State and the Optimal Abuse of Power

The Administrative State and the Optimal Abuse of Power

A state built to prevent all abuses of power would perform poorly.

Unions May Gain Greater Access to Employer Email Accounts

Unions May Gain Greater Access to Employer Email Accounts

The NLRB may permit employees to use company email for union business and organizing.

Can Moneyball Make States Better Regulators?

Can Moneyball Make States Better Regulators?

Scholars say state and local regulators should embrace the federal model of cost-benefit analysis.

Regulatory Implications of Bank Securitization and Executive Compensation

Regulatory Implications of Bank Securitization and Executive Compensation

Regulators should provide more stringent monitoring of bank securitization and CEO compensation.

Regulators Quietly Prepare to Open Chinese Capital Markets

Regulators Quietly Prepare to Open Chinese Capital Markets

Cross-border trading between Shanghai and Hong Kong promises economic opportunity and regulatory challenges.

An Independent Commission Should Suggest, Not Determine, Rule Rescissions

An Independent Commission Should Suggest, Not Determine, Rule Rescissions

Proposed regulatory review commissions would circumvent procedural safeguards.

The Real “Tsunami” in Federal Regulatory Policy

The Real “Tsunami” in Federal Regulatory Policy

New lookback programs impede public safeguards rather than improve the regulatory system.

A Politically and Technically Feasible Approach for Handling Regulatory Accumulation

A Politically and Technically Feasible Approach for Handling Regulatory Accumulation

A new institutional design is required to deal with retrospective review of regulations.

Congressional Action Needed to Deal with Regulatory Accumulation

Congressional Action Needed to Deal with Regulatory Accumulation

The SCRUB Act would help correct regulatory accumulation – but the bill could be improved.

It’s Past Time to Address Regulatory Duplication

It’s Past Time to Address Regulatory Duplication

The SCRUB Act would help eliminate duplicative rules through retrospective review.

CFPB Report Shows Payday Borrowers Stuck in “Revolving Door of Debt”

CFPB Report Shows Payday Borrowers Stuck in “Revolving Door of Debt”

Recent agency study reveals most consumers re-borrow within two weeks of their first payday loan.

Regulators Place Spotlight on Shadow Insurance

Regulators Place Spotlight on Shadow Insurance

Reports warn that spread of captive reinsurance companies could pose systemic market risk.