Penn Program on Regulation

Strengthening Global Connections in Regulatory Governance

Strengthening Global Connections in Regulatory Governance

The launch of a new International Association on Regulation and Governance can build bridges across disciplines, nations, and generations.

Harnessing AI to Combat Climate Change

Harnessing AI to Combat Climate Change

At a Penn Program on Regulation workshop, Cass Sunstein explains how AI can help consumers make climate-friendly choices.

From Regulation 1.0 to 2.0

From Regulation 1.0 to 2.0

Technological changes are driving market changes that will call for new forms of regulation.

Agile Regulation in a Changing World

Agile Regulation in a Changing World

Experts extol the virtues of applying agile thinking to regulatory policymaking and implementation.

Reining in Repeat Offenders

Reining in Repeat Offenders

In the 2022 Distinguished Regulation Lecture at Penn Law, CFPB Director urges regulators to take action against corporate recidivists.

Connecting Race and Regulation

Connecting Race and Regulation

New podcast series examines how regulation has reinforced racism—and how it might combat it too.

Race and Regulation

Race and Regulation

Experts examine how regulatory policies disproportionately affect communities of color.

Creating an Inclusive Political Order

Creating an Inclusive Political Order

True representative democracy depends on making access to voting a realistic option for all.

The Biden Executive Order on Restructuring Competition

The Biden Executive Order on Restructuring Competition

Antitrust experts from the University of Pennsylvania reflect on the possible consequences of the recent Biden executive order on competition.

Ten Years of Regulatory Guidance

Ten Years of Regulatory Guidance

The students who have built The Regulatory Review inspire hope and offer reason to celebrate even amid challenging times.

Reflecting on a Decade of The Regulatory Review

Reflecting on a Decade of The Regulatory Review

The Review’s Editors-in-Chief reflect on their experiences and celebrate what makes this publication so extraordinary.

Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Regulations Need a Fresh Look

Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Regulations Need a Fresh Look

Distinguished lecturer discusses restoring public support for regulation and how regulatory benefits are hidden in plain sight.