Financial Crisis

Searching for Real Regulatory Independence

Searching for Real Regulatory Independence

OECD report calls for agency independence to serve as a bulwark against breakdowns in the regulatory process.

(Not) Prosecuting Financial Crimes

(Not) Prosecuting Financial Crimes

Holding companies accountable for crimes is essential, yet more must be done to end “too big to jail” concerns.

Implementing the Volcker Rule’s Backstop Provisions

Implementing the Volcker Rule’s Backstop Provisions

Lawyers propose strategies for regulators in implementing often-overlooked Volcker Rule provisions.

A Squandered Opportunity for Effective Consumer Protection?

A Squandered Opportunity for Effective Consumer Protection?

Law professor argues that financial reform legislation hurts consumers.

Financial Regulators Find Heightened Risks in Lending Behavior

Financial Regulators Find Heightened Risks in Lending Behavior

Rise in leveraged lending prompts concern among the top U.S. financial regulatory agencies.

Global Banking Committee Announces New Priorities

Global Banking Committee Announces New Priorities

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision publishes its agenda for 2015–2016.

How the U.S. Government Can Better Promote “Anchor” Institutions

How the U.S. Government Can Better Promote “Anchor” Institutions

New report proposes ways that the federal government can help encourage anchor institutions to revitalize communities.

An SEC Commissioner Highlights Global Challenges to U.S. Financial Markets

An SEC Commissioner Highlights Global Challenges to U.S. Financial Markets

Speech by U.S. regulator highlights complex issues facing U.S. capital markets.

Can We Finally Fix “Too Big to Fail”?

Can We Finally Fix “Too Big to Fail”?

Recently passed House legislation would amend bankruptcy code for big banks.

Fed Ends Quantitative Easing

Fed Ends Quantitative Easing

Central bank discontinues program of buying financial assets from commercial banks and returns focus to managing interest rates.

Dodd-Frank’s Regulatory Morass

Dodd-Frank’s Regulatory Morass

The costly implementation of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act stems from the law’s political origins.

SEC Expands Disclosure Requirements for Asset-Backed Securities

SEC Expands Disclosure Requirements for Asset-Backed Securities

New rule addresses valuation problems that may have contributed to financial crisis.