Financial Crisis

Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech

Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech

Lawyer explores corporate governance issues in financial technology firms and proposes reforms.

Medical AI Regulators Should Learn from the Global Financial Crisis

Medical AI Regulators Should Learn from the Global Financial Crisis

In regulating AI in medicine, FDA should exercise care in implementing a principles-based framework.

With Liberty, Justice, and Money for All

With Liberty, Justice, and Money for All

Scholar advocates for regulating banks like infrastructure.

How to Regulate During a Financial Crisis

How to Regulate During a Financial Crisis

Scholar argues that financial regulators must be decisive yet agile when using imperfect information.

Negative News for European Union Bank Failure Board

Negative News for European Union Bank Failure Board

An audit report criticizes the Single Resolution Mechanism and proposes improvements for the EU banking union.

Innovation as a Challenge to Regulation

Innovation as a Challenge to Regulation

Regulation can accommodate innovation while promoting broader social goals.

To Solve the Next Foreclosure Crisis, Look to Sacramento

To Solve the Next Foreclosure Crisis, Look to Sacramento

California was more effective than the federal government at preventing foreclosures during the Great Recession.

Bank Culture in the Trump Era

Bank Culture in the Trump Era

Three kinds of bank behavior contributed to the financial crisis, and President Trump’s personal business activities appear to support that behavior.

Treasury Pick’s Oversight of “Robo-Signing” Heats Up Nomination Proceedings

Treasury Pick’s Oversight of “Robo-Signing” Heats Up Nomination Proceedings

Steven Mnuchin continues to advance in U.S. Senate even as Democrats decry his role during financial crisis.

What if Dodd-Frank is Built on Faulty Assumptions?

What if Dodd-Frank is Built on Faulty Assumptions?

Duke Law Professor argues for a new regulatory paradigm.

Financial Regulators Take Stock and Look Ahead

Financial Regulators Take Stock and Look Ahead

Wall Street Journal conference in New York brings together prominent regulators and industry insiders for wide-ranging discussions.

Still Too Big to Fail?

Still Too Big to Fail?

President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve argues that banks still pose a threat of catastrophic failure.