Regulating Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Pandemic’s Toll on Science

The Pandemic’s Toll on Science

Deep state conspiracies threaten science and degrade public trust in government amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ADA, Telework, and the Post-Pandemic Workplace

The ADA, Telework, and the Post-Pandemic Workplace

The EEOC should update its guidance to encourage employers to provide telework as a reasonable accommodation.

Telecare for All

Telecare for All

Telehealth regulations seek to expand health care for underserved patients in rural areas.

Networks Owners Rise to the Occasion Even in a Pandemic

Networks Owners Rise to the Occasion Even in a Pandemic

Private telecom and transport networks have delivered socially valuable outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID VSLs and the Undervaluation of Pandemic Risk

COVID VSLs and the Undervaluation of Pandemic Risk

Traditional VSLs undervalue COVID-19 risks, but they can serve as a starting point for policymakers.

Using VSLs in State and Local COVID-19 Policy

Using VSLs in State and Local COVID-19 Policy

VSLs can serve as a foundational tool for policymakers at all levels of governance amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Analyzing COVID-19 Policymaking

Analyzing COVID-19 Policymaking

Experts assess the use of VSLs and benefit-cost analysis for pandemic decision-making.

The Other CARES Act Funding Accountability Story

The Other CARES Act Funding Accountability Story

Agencies must ensure proper use of funds, but complex compliance rules may stunt noble policy goals.

COVID-19 and Uncertainties in the Value Per Statistical Life

COVID-19 and Uncertainties in the Value Per Statistical Life

Uncertainties in value per statistical life estimates impact the extent to which COVID-19 policies yield net benefits.

Rethinking Benefit-Cost Analysis for COVID-19

Rethinking Benefit-Cost Analysis for COVID-19

The normative foundations of the value of statistical life render it an insufficient tool to analyze pandemic-related policies.

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

State and local governments should embrace farmers market managers’ input on food regulation during the pandemic.

The Americans with Disabilities Act Thirty Years Later

The Americans with Disabilities Act Thirty Years Later

Experts address the ADA’s relevance to modern life, thirty years after its passage.