National Labor Relations Board

The Supreme Court’s 2023-2024 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2023-2024 Regulatory Term

Scholars and practitioners assess the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions of its recently concluded term.

Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers

Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers

Scholars argue that the best way to improve labor law is to change union election rules.

Moving Toward a New Era of Labor Rights in Trade Policy?

Moving Toward a New Era of Labor Rights in Trade Policy?

A novel trade enforcement tool creates an expedited process to protect labor rights.

Applying the Takings Clause to Regulatory Access

Applying the Takings Clause to Regulatory Access

The Court’s unprecedented decision applying the Takings Clause to regulatory access will have limited impact.

Conflicting Interpretations of Worker Classification

Conflicting Interpretations of Worker Classification

Workers in some states may now be classified as both independent contractors and employees.

The Joint-Employment Standard in Limbo

The Joint-Employment Standard in Limbo

A proposed rule by the NLRB and a potential Supreme Court decision challenge the joint-employer test.

The Future of Workplace Regulation

The Future of Workplace Regulation

Scholars debate the current and future regulatory landscape for workers.

Constraining the President’s Appointment Power

Constraining the President’s Appointment Power

Court holds President Obama’s appointment of acting General Counsel for the NLRB was unlawful.

Could Student-Athletes at Public Universities Unionize?

Could Student-Athletes at Public Universities Unionize?

New paper outlines how joint employer status could allow student-athletes to sue the NCAA.

NLRB Proposes Rule to Speed Up Union Elections

NLRB Proposes Rule to Speed Up Union Elections

To the ire of employers, proposal would allow employees to vote to unionize in less than half the current time.