The Future of Mining in Outer Space
Scholars discuss potential solutions to fill the gaps in the regulatory framework governing space mining.
High Minimum Fines in China Undermine Administrative Discretion
China’s minimum fines foster uniform penalties across infractions and prevent leniency for minor violations.
Achieving Gender Parity
Rangita de Silva de Alwis discusses the state of women in leadership positions around the globe.
The U.N.’s Women Peace and Security Agenda After Twenty-Five Years
Future peace-building efforts should reflect evolving technology and its impact on women.
Risk-Based Regulatory Regimes
Julia Black explains how regulatory regimes focused on risk can lead to greater coherence.
A Global Administrative Law for an Era of AI
Policymakers should follow three steps when regulating artificial intelligence on a global scale.
A Global Regulatory Policy Outlook
The OECD publishes major report on common regulatory challenges faced by countries around the world.
Help International Medical Graduates Help Us
In the United States, immigration and administrative barriers hinder a valuable supply of health care workers.