Mikaela Wells

The Evolving Role of Title IX in Women’s Sports

The Evolving Role of Title IX in Women’s Sports

Scholars explore the impact of Title IX and the importance of fairness and inclusion in women’s sports.

Miscarriage of Justice

Miscarriage of Justice

Legislators must come together to protect pregnant patients who miscarry.

International Solutions to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence

International Solutions to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence

Scholars propose regulatory solutions for preventing new forms of gender-based violence.

The Spectrum of Gender-Affirming Care Regulations

The Spectrum of Gender-Affirming Care Regulations

An upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case may change the landscape of gender-affirming care regulations.

Ethical Considerations for FDA Accelerated Approval

Ethical Considerations for FDA Accelerated Approval

Scholars debate ways to improve FDA’s accelerated approval mechanism.

Weighing the Environmental Impacts of Deep-Sea Mining

Weighing the Environmental Impacts of Deep-Sea Mining

Scholars evaluate the impact and efficacy of deep-sea mining regulations.

The Equal Rights Amendment’s Path Forward

The Equal Rights Amendment’s Path Forward

Experts consider obstacles to the ERA’s ratification and propose paths forward.

Protecting the Reproductive Autonomy of Disabled People

Protecting the Reproductive Autonomy of Disabled People

Scholar proposes regulatory solutions to protect disabled individuals’ reproductive autonomy.

Regulating the Right to Vote

Regulating the Right to Vote

Scholars discuss issues affecting the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

The Future of Mining in Outer Space

The Future of Mining in Outer Space

Scholars discuss potential solutions to fill the gaps in the regulatory framework governing space mining.

Decreasing Distracted Driving Danger

Decreasing Distracted Driving Danger

Scholars and practitioners explore solutions to the safety risk of distracted driving.

The Past, Present, and Future of EMTALA

The Past, Present, and Future of EMTALA

Scholars discuss EMTALA’s effects on physicians and argue for its continued use.