Racial Disparities in School Discipline
Experts recommend further action to confront racial discrimination in school discipline.
Combatting Discrimination in Algorithmic Hiring
Scholar proposes mandatory self-audits and certification of employers’ hiring algorithms.
Antitrust Can Be Antiracist
Scholars argue that antitrust law can complement antidiscrimination law in the fight against systemic racism.
Addressing an Algorithmic PATTERN of Bias
The Justice Department pledges to address racial bias in an algorithm that determines early release.
The SBA Should Change Its Rules on Criminal History
Current small business lending discriminates by barring loans to people with criminal histories.
Disparities Arising from Standardized Contracts
Policymakers must address how firms disparately enforce contracts for vulnerable communities.
Ending the Virtual School-to-Prison Pipeline
Civil rights attorney examines legal issues presented by virtual school disciplinary policies.
The Biden-Harris Administration’s Racial Equity Efforts
Although much more work remains, the current Administration has made historic progress in advancing equity.
The APA’s Antidiscrimination Failure
Scholars explain how courts have interpreted the Administrative Procedure Act to overlook racial discrimination.
Crisis Standards of Care May Discriminate Against Patients With Disabilities
COVID-19 has triggered discussions around the discriminatory impacts of crisis standards of care in medicine.
Countering Bias in Algorithmic Hiring Tools
Regulators struggle to counter bias in hiring because algorithms reproduce existing inequalities.
Resisting Regulatory Oppression of Transgender Children
The formal and structural exclusion of transgender youth is morally wrong and unlawful.