
Unlocking the Potential Between Blockchain and Antitrust

Unlocking the Potential Between Blockchain and Antitrust

The tech and legal communities should recognize the complementary nature of antitrust law and blockchain.

Taming Giants in the Health Care Industry

Taming Giants in the Health Care Industry

Scholars explore potential antitrust responses to growing consolidation among health care providers.

Compromise Between Radicals and Incrementalists in Antitrust Reform

Compromise Between Radicals and Incrementalists in Antitrust Reform

Harmonizing two approaches to antitrust law reform may protect consumer and market welfare most effectively.

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Scholar shows how current antitrust remedies fail to consider effects on workers.

A New Approach to FTC Antitrust Regulation

A New Approach to FTC Antitrust Regulation

Scholar proposes a no-collusion rule to limit tacit collusion.

Antitrust Enforcement of Startup Acquisitions

Antitrust Enforcement of Startup Acquisitions

Scholars urge antitrust enforcement against technology firms that acquire startups.

The Supreme Court’s 2020-2021 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2020-2021 Regulatory Term

Scholars discuss some of the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions.

Addressing Big Tech’s Power Over Speech

Addressing Big Tech’s Power Over Speech

Antitrust has a role in addressing the considerable power social media companies possess over speech.

How America Turns Competitors Into Colleagues

How America Turns Competitors Into Colleagues

The collaboration between pharmaceutical giants puts antitrust law at risk.

A Modern Antitrust Law for Tech Tycoons

A Modern Antitrust Law for Tech Tycoons

Proposed legislation could update antitrust legal standards and the U.S. government’s enforcement capacity.

Google’s Break

Google’s Break

In one of the biggest antitrust cases in a generation, the Justice Department opted for a narrow claim.

Antitrust Remedies for Big Tech

Antitrust Remedies for Big Tech

Courts should impose antitrust remedies consistent with underlying principles of market competition.