Fighting Fires Through Resilience Regulation
Scholars identify wildfire resilience solutions for the power sectors in California and Australia.
Building Disaster Resilience in Rural Communities
Report outlines why rural communities susceptible to natural disasters need more federal resources.
Rescuing Nuclear Reactors to Achieve Net-Zero Future
Biden Administration looks to U.S. fleet of nuclear reactors as a vital source to achieve energy goals.
Rethinking FERC’s Approach to Natural Gas Pipeline Approvals
Scholar urges FERC to consider clean energy policies before approving natural gas pipelines.
Reviving the Law of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities
A new casebook reintroduces tools to address critical issues in sectors such as transportation, energy, finance, and technology.
Boosting Rail Competition
To ease inflation and supply chain issues, regulators should allow reciprocal switching among railroad networks.
Hacking Broadband Access in Tribal Lands
Scholars examine broadband access in tribal lands and the effects of poor internet service on Native American communities.
Regulating Alcohol Out of the Driver’s Seat
Utah’s reduced blood alcohol concentration limit sees reduction in drunk driving-related deaths.
Regulating the Digital Divide
Experts discuss lack of internet access and potential solutions on how to best bridge digital divide.
FERC Proposes Revamp to Pipeline Approval Process
FERC proposes environmental justice concerns play a larger role in federal approvals of natural gas pipelines.
Americans Shortchanged in Pandemic Coin Dearth
The Federal Reserve’s response to coin circulation disruptions has created a coin shortage.