Financial Fair Play Regulations’ Unintended Effects
European soccer authority’s economic regulations create unintended losses for clubs.
Applying Judge-Made Law to Insider Trading
Scholar argues that judges, rather than the legislature, should continue to regulate insider trading.
Will Steel Tariffs Mark the Demise of the WTO?
Scholar argues that Trump’s steel tariffs and the responses from other countries endanger the free trade system.
The Trump Administration Takes Aim at Migratory Birds
Attorneys argue that Department of Interior enforcement practices threaten migratory birds.
Examining the Past and Future of Copyright Regulation
Scholar discusses how the Copyright Office could exercise broader rulemaking power.
Empirical Evidence in the Administration of Family Law
Scholar proposes framework for the use of empirical evidence in child welfare policies.
Regulating Digital Mapping Technology
Scholars propose mechanisms for regulating augmented reality technology.
Bringing Home the Bacon on Climate Change
The lack of regulation on animals’ greenhouse gas emissions opens the door for climate change litigation.
Where’s the Plant-Based Beef?
Scholar argues for promotion of environmentally conscious plant-based diets through regulation.
Promoting Primary Care in Medicine
Experts suggest changing Medicare’s payment structure to encourage physicians to pursue primary care specialties.
Put the Phone Down
Scholar argues that the government should regulate app developers to prevent technology addiction.