Search Results for: "regulatory excellence"

The Hopeful Science of Howard Kunreuther

The Hopeful Science of Howard Kunreuther

…I had more interactions than I can remember. He and I collaborated on a chapter on insurance and regulatory excellence for a book I edited. I then had the opportunity…

Strengthening Global Connections in Regulatory Governance

Strengthening Global Connections in Regulatory Governance

…responsible regulation. One might even call it a movement dedicated to regulatory excellence. Part of this regulatory excellence movement is manifest in earnest efforts by governments themselves to organize networks…

How To Regulate With Excellence

How To Regulate With Excellence

…do you define regulatory excellence and why is it important? Coglianese: To help guide regulators on a path toward excellence, I’ve defined regulatory excellence as an integration of three core…

Why Brazil’s COVID-19 Response Is Failing

Why Brazil’s COVID-19 Response Is Failing

…the pandemic. What went wrong? Brazil now faces three different crises due to a lack of regulatory excellence: a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a political crisis. The health…

What Does Risk-Based Regulation Mean?

What Does Risk-Based Regulation Mean?

…vary based on the actual costs and benefits due to the types of problems and economic circumstances the regulator confronts. Risk-based regulation—like regulatory excellence more generally—is not a merely technical…

Giving Regulatory Cooperation a Reality Check

Giving Regulatory Cooperation a Reality Check

…the global regulatory cooperation stage. Confidence in globalization and international trade would be strengthened if other major “rule-makers” were to join this quest for high standards and global regulatory excellence….

The Regulatory Review’s Series from 2018

The Regulatory Review’s Series from 2018

…published by The Regulatory Review in 2018. The series are arranged below in chronological order. In Pursuit of Regulatory Excellence January 2, 2018 How can regulators know whether they are…

Top Regulatory Stories of 2018

Top Regulatory Stories of 2018

…regulator not just good, but excellent? In their chapter of the book Achieving Regulatory Excellence, Shelley Metzenbaum and Guarav Vasisht argue that the core of regulatory excellence lies in the…

The 2018 Regulatory Year in Review

The 2018 Regulatory Year in Review

…pleased to feature the many topical series published in The Regulatory Review during 2018, including “In Pursuit of Regulatory Excellence,” “Regulation in the Trump Administration’s First Year,” “State and Local…

Holding Congress Accountable

Holding Congress Accountable

…proposals to improve regulation such as, for example, those of the Breaking the Logjam project or a recent book, Achieving Regulatory Excellence. It does not have to be this way….

How Regulators Can Excel

How Regulators Can Excel

…in ways that the public will understand. Coglianese concluded by noting another truth that emerges from the chapters of the book Achieving Regulatory Excellence: Attaining regulatory excellence is hard. Without…

What the FDA Can Teach Us About Regulatory Excellence

What the FDA Can Teach Us About Regulatory Excellence

…to media scrutiny and public criticism. In his chapter of the new book, Achieving Regulatory Excellence, David Vogel, a professor at the Haas School of Business at the University of…