International Regulation

One Small Step for Space Law

One Small Step for Space Law

Scholar discusses the impact of NASA’s Artemis Accords on existing international space law.

Improving the Process of Rulemaking

Improving the Process of Rulemaking

The OECD analyzes the progress of regulatory frameworks in member countries.

U.S. Science Research Has a Foreign Influence Problem

U.S. Science Research Has a Foreign Influence Problem

A federal report reveals undisclosed foreign ties among some scientists, raising unique concerns.

Comparing U.S. and Chinese Environmental Risk Regulation

Comparing U.S. and Chinese Environmental Risk Regulation

Research comparing risk regulation in the United States and China reveals selective variations, not sharp contrasts.

The Space Debris Race

The Space Debris Race

Scholar evaluates options to strengthen international space debris regulations.

Climate Progress in Glasgow Depends on Domestic Politics

Climate Progress in Glasgow Depends on Domestic Politics

Despite global summits and accords, the solution to climate change rests with individual countries.

Taking the Regulatory Crisis in the Amazon Seriously

Taking the Regulatory Crisis in the Amazon Seriously

Environmental regulatory rollbacks harm Brazil’s Amazon and its Indigenous communities.

The Regulation of Stolen Cultural Artifacts

The Regulation of Stolen Cultural Artifacts

Experts address weaknesses and inconsistencies in the U.S. regulation of looted cultural artifacts.

Megaregulation on the Global Stage

Megaregulation on the Global Stage

Scholars argue that the Trans-Pacific Partnership represents a new form of international ordering and regulatory governance.

South Korea’s Success Against COVID-19

South Korea’s Success Against COVID-19

Transparency, communication, and collaboration are the key weapons in the fight against COVID-19.

Regulatory Justification and Coordination in South Africa

Regulatory Justification and Coordination in South Africa

The government’s response to COVID-19 highlights the importance of expertise and cooperation in regulation.

Regulatory Cooperation to Combat Public Health Crises

Regulatory Cooperation to Combat Public Health Crises

Promoting international agreements can enhance regulatory cooperation over public health.