Corporate Governance

Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech

Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech

Lawyer explores corporate governance issues in financial technology firms and proposes reforms.

The Case for Plural Business Purposes

The Case for Plural Business Purposes

Businesses should embrace corporate purposes beyond profit maximization.

Advocacy, Inc.

Advocacy, Inc.

Scholar warns that corporate social activism might erode democratic institutions, despite possible benefits.

Erroneous Legal Advice as a Corporate Asset

Erroneous Legal Advice as a Corporate Asset

Scholars discuss the promises and pitfalls of corporate lawyers’ gatekeeping function.

The Growth in Business Support for Regulation

The Growth in Business Support for Regulation

Businesses in the United States are increasingly supporting regulation and regulators against judicial decisions curtailing agency authority.

Assuaging Fears About Boardroom Gender Mandates

Assuaging Fears About Boardroom Gender Mandates

Scholars argue that gender-balancing policies will not reduce corporate value.

Regulating LGBTQ+ Inclusive Boardrooms

Regulating LGBTQ+ Inclusive Boardrooms

Legislators and regulators respond to absence of LGBTQ+ individuals in boardroom diversity efforts and recruitment.

Reining in Repeat Offenders

Reining in Repeat Offenders

In the 2022 Distinguished Regulation Lecture at Penn Law, CFPB Director urges regulators to take action against corporate recidivists.

Is ESG Simply the Old CSR Wine in a New Bottle?

Is ESG Simply the Old CSR Wine in a New Bottle?

ESG initiatives will provide little social value if firms do not improve conditions that led CSR to fail.

Understanding the Business of Corporate Board Diversity

Understanding the Business of Corporate Board Diversity

Experts discuss the benefits of diversifying corporate boards of directors.

Regulating Sustainability in Corporate Governance Standards

Regulating Sustainability in Corporate Governance Standards

Experts discuss the future of sustainability in financial regulation.

Bringing Diversity to Californian Boardrooms

Bringing Diversity to Californian Boardrooms

Two recent state laws seek to place more members of underrepresented groups on public company boards.