Chemical Regulation

Taking on Toxic Chemicals

Taking on Toxic Chemicals

Madeleine Bee, a senior chemical regulation and food safety consultant, discusses recent “forever chemical” legislation in California.

Are Artificial Christmas Trees Safe?

Are Artificial Christmas Trees Safe?

Chemicals in artificial Christmas trees may pose health and environmental risks.

Toxic Floods Create Pressing Regulatory Needs

Toxic Floods Create Pressing Regulatory Needs

Scholar argues that existing chemical safety regulations fail to prevent hazardous material spills during floods.

Addressing the Dangers of Forever Chemicals

Addressing the Dangers of Forever Chemicals

Experts discuss regulatory options for PFAS chemical contamination control.

Can Personal Injury Plaintiffs Regulate Dangerous Chemicals?

Can Personal Injury Plaintiffs Regulate Dangerous Chemicals?

Scientific research generated by civil settlements could help drive future EPA regulation.

Formaldehyde Lurks in Hair Products Despite FDA Warning

Formaldehyde Lurks in Hair Products Despite FDA Warning

FDA warns consumers to protect themselves from a known carcinogen in hair smoothing products.

Macaroni and Cheese with a Side of Regulation

Macaroni and Cheese with a Side of Regulation

FDA faces mounting pressure from advocacy groups claiming a high chemical content in macaroni and cheese.

If We Can Fix TSCA, We Can Fix the OSH Act

If We Can Fix TSCA, We Can Fix the OSH Act

President Obama recently signed toxics reform; now it is time to fix workplace safety law, too.

New Toxic Chemical Legislation Fails on Federalism

New Toxic Chemical Legislation Fails on Federalism

Scholar argues that bill aimed at strengthening safety of chemicals runs afoul of principle of precautionary federalism.

The Regulatory System May Not Be Ready for Synthetic Organisms

The Regulatory System May Not Be Ready for Synthetic Organisms

As researchers develop organisms that fuel your car, scholars warn that current regulations are not adequate.

Should Chemical Regulation Be Stronger?

Should Chemical Regulation Be Stronger?

West Virginia chemical spill raises question of whether better regulation is needed.

TSCA and the Proposed Chemical Safety Improvement Act

TSCA and the Proposed Chemical Safety Improvement Act

Despite limitations, proposed legislation would improve regulation of chemicals.