
OFR’s Refusal to Regulate References

OFR’s Refusal to Regulate References

The agency’s response to a recent petition fails to resolve a growing debate.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Encouraging progress in public access to industry standards is counterbalanced by a governmental “disappointment.”

OFR Responds to Petition on Incorporation by Reference

OFR Responds to Petition on Incorporation by Reference

Government office responds to petition seeking greater public access to legal rules.

The Continuing Debate Over Regulatory Incorporation

The Continuing Debate Over Regulatory Incorporation

The Regulatory Review features continuing debate on “incorporation by reference” after OFR responds to recent petition.

The Shutdown’s Impact on Regulation

The Shutdown’s Impact on Regulation

Looking back at the 1995 shutdown reveals insights about regulatory productivity.

Citizen Feedback in Chinese Policymaking

Citizen Feedback in Chinese Policymaking

Officials increasingly consult with an engaged public when setting policy.

Department of Education Seeks Feedback on Strategic Plan

Department of Education Seeks Feedback on Strategic Plan

Agency issues draft focused on closing achievement gap and leading the world.

The Supreme Court Should Avoid a Constitutional Ruling in Noel Canning

The Supreme Court Should Avoid a Constitutional Ruling in Noel Canning

The Court should allow the political process to resolve recess appointments controversy.

White House Review of Regulation: Myths and Realities

White House Review of Regulation: Myths and Realities

The Regulatory Review features the remarks of Cass R. Sunstein, keynote speaker at the Penn Program on Regulation’s annual regulation dinner at Penn Law.

Costs, Benefits, and the Non-Political Nature of OIRA Review

Costs, Benefits, and the Non-Political Nature of OIRA Review

OIRA performs the role of information aggregator.

OIRA and the Public

OIRA and the Public

OIRA’s external meetings play an important role in rulemaking.

Inside Baseball: The Nature of OIRA’s Work

Inside Baseball: The Nature of OIRA’s Work

The regulatory review process engages a wide range of actors.