A Resource List on Regulatory Capture and Reform

Learn about the history of regulatory capture, its effect on public policy, and remedies for addressing corruption.

It’s a rallying cry heard on both sides of the aisle: government is the puppet of special interest groups. Allegations often concern Big Money’s control over Congress, yet federal agencies also are accused of falling victim to special interest influence. The control that industries exert over the federal regulatory bodies meant to regulate them is called “regulatory capture.” Recently, the Administrative Conference of the United States, a federal agency dedicated to improving the administrative process, held a forum exploring the issue.

The Regulatory Review has compiled the following set of resources for learning about the history of regulatory capture, its effects on public policy, and remedies to corruption.


Background Academic Papers:

Financial Regulation: 


International Perspectives:

Additional Articles and Op-Eds:


Recent Legislation:

  • Regulatory Capture Prevention Act of 2011. S. 1338. Introduced by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) on 7/7/2011. Latest Action: 7/20/2011 – Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs – Hearings Held.
  • Truth in Settlements Act of 2015. S. 1109. Introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on 4/28/2015. Latest Action: 6/9/2016 – placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 476.


This resource list is part of The Regulatory Review‘s sixteen-part series, Rooting Out Regulatory Capture.