
Native Self-Governance and Environmental Justice

Native Self-Governance and Environmental Justice

Scholar argues that comprehensive environmental justice reform can promote Native American autonomy.

You’re on Your Own, Kid Influencers

You’re on Your Own, Kid Influencers

Scholar proposes a legal framework to safeguard child content creators’ social media earnings.

The U.N.’s Women Peace and Security Agenda After Twenty-Five Years

The U.N.’s Women Peace and Security Agenda After Twenty-Five Years

Future peace-building efforts should reflect evolving technology and its impact on women.

After Murthy v. Missouri, Diffuse Jawboning Remains Murky

After Murthy v. Missouri, Diffuse Jawboning Remains Murky

The Court acknowledges governments’ increasing interests in regulating online speech but provides little guidance.

What the Starbucks Decision Means for the NLRB

What the Starbucks Decision Means for the NLRB

An overlooked Supreme Court decision may give courts more discretion to second-guess the NLRB.

Supreme Court Allows Cities to Punish Homelessness

Supreme Court Allows Cities to Punish Homelessness

A new decision takes a narrow view of the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause.

After Cargill, ATF’s Legal Woes Are Likely to Continue

After Cargill, ATF’s Legal Woes Are Likely to Continue

A recent Supreme Court decision affects ATF’s efforts to redefine gun regulations.

Cargill and the Regulatory Time Gap

Cargill and the Regulatory Time Gap

The time elapsed since the passage of an authorizing statute may influence how the Court views new regulations.

A Unanimous Court Sides with the NRA in Free Speech Case

A Unanimous Court Sides with the NRA in Free Speech Case

The Court condemned regulator pressure to cut ties with the gun industry to mitigate financial risk.

Lowering the Bar for Employees with Title VII Discrimination Claims

Lowering the Bar for Employees with Title VII Discrimination Claims

Employees need not show “significant” harm to sustain discrimination claims.

Restoring Independence in Child Neglect Laws

Restoring Independence in Child Neglect Laws

Scholar explores the unintended consequences of state child neglect laws and proposes changes.

A Regulated Plea Deal or No Deal

A Regulated Plea Deal or No Deal

Scholar argues that plea bargaining in the United States needs stronger regulations to save the criminal justice system.