
Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault

Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault

Experts address how changing Title IX policies on campus sexual assault impact students.

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the APA

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the APA

From the New Deal to the present, the Administrative Procedure Act has been the foundation of administrative law.

Combating AAPI Hate

Combating AAPI Hate

Scholars discuss ways to recognize and address anti-AAPI sentiment and policies.

Does Cosmetics Regulation Need a Makeover?

Does Cosmetics Regulation Need a Makeover?

Scholars reflect on the need for stronger regulatory oversight of cosmetics in the United States.

Regulating Organ Transplants and Donation

Regulating Organ Transplants and Donation

Experts explore how to improve organ transplantation practices in the United States.

The Regulation of Stolen Cultural Artifacts

The Regulation of Stolen Cultural Artifacts

Experts address weaknesses and inconsistencies in the U.S. regulation of looted cultural artifacts.

Smoking Out E-Cigarettes

Smoking Out E-Cigarettes

Scholars examine the regulation of electronic cigarettes and their impact on public health.

Maintaining the Regulatory Big Pitcher

Maintaining the Regulatory Big Pitcher

Scholars discuss beer regulations and the regulatory challenges facing the industry.

The Universal Injunction Debate

The Universal Injunction Debate

Can a single judge lawfully prevent the entire government from enforcing a regulation?

Facing Bias in Facial Recognition Technology

Facing Bias in Facial Recognition Technology

Experts advocate robust regulation of facial recognition technology to reduce discriminatory outcomes.

How Should the United States Protect Data?

How Should the United States Protect Data?

Scholars suggest ways for the U.S. Congress to implement a federal data privacy policy.

Vaccine Mandates in the Time of COVID-19

Vaccine Mandates in the Time of COVID-19

Experts examine the legality and efficacy of vaccine mandates.