The Regulatory Review presents its leading essays from the past year.
Throughout the past year, regulators from around the world have faced pressing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental instability, the war in Ukraine, and racial injustice—to name but a few of the many consequential issues with implications for regulatory policy.
As 2022 comes to an end, those of us at The Regulatory Review reflect on the significant role that regulation has played in shaping global events and addressing unprecedented challenges in the United States and around the world in the past year. In this year-end series, The Regulatory Review highlights many of these developments and showcases the most widely read essays we have published over the past year.
Based on page views, we first spotlight the most widely read contributor essays by the world’s leading experts on regulatory law and policy. We then recap the most widely read essays written by our own staff members. Next, we are pleased to spotlight our eleven series of essays published in The Regulatory Review in the past year. Then, we turn to synopses of the biggest regulatory news stories of the year, as selected by our associate editors, that we have covered each Friday in our regular Week in Review feature. Finally, we highlight the most widely read Saturday Seminars written by our staff members.
At The Regulatory Review, we not only appreciate the privilege we have to cover every day many of the most vital regulatory issues; we also feel the weight of our responsibility to do so. In what we publish each week, we seek to bring clarity to complex policy debates that bring major consequences for people and businesses. Thank you to our readers and contributors for engaging with us at The Regulatory Review in this important public service.
Best wishes for the new year.
– The Editorial Board of The Regulatory Review
Top Contributor Essays of 2022
December 27, 2022
We are pleased to feature the top essays written by our outside contributors in 2022, including Lawrence Baxter’s “Cryptocurrency and the Climate Crisis,” Dorothy Roberts’ “The Regulation of Black Families,” Daniel A. Farber’s “The Misuse of History to Undercut the Modern Regulatory State,” and more.
Top Staff Essays of 2022
December 28, 2022
We are pleased to feature the top essays written by The Regulatory Review staff in 2022, including Karis Stephen’s “Is Fast Fashion Moving Too Fast?,” Omar Khodor’s “How Factory Farming Could Cause the Next COVID-19,” Katherine McKeen’s “The Inequalities of California’s Environmental Quality Act, ” and more.
Featured Series of 2022
December 29, 2022
We are pleased to recap the many topical series published in The Regulatory Review during 2022, including “Promoting Economic Justice,” “The Supreme Court’s 2021-2022 Regulatory Term,” and “A Global Regulatory Policy Outlook.”
Top Regulatory News of 2022
December 30, 2022
In lieu of our regular Friday feature—the Week in Review—we recap some of the top regulatory news from the entire year.
Top Saturday Seminars of 2022
December 31, 2022
We are pleased to highlight the top Saturday Seminars written by The Regulatory Review staff in 2022, including “Regulating to Achieve Environmental Justice,” “Educating Students with Disabilities During COVID-19” by Taylor Ross, Caitlin Kim, and Katherine Rhode, “Regulating to Achieve Environmental Justice” by Trevor Kirby, Henry Fisher, and Elizabeth Penava, and “Has the ‘Every Student Succeeds Act’ Left Children Behind?” by Alexandra Walsh, Mary Moynihan, and Elizabeth Yin, and more.