Section 230

The Good-Faith Assumption Online

The Good-Faith Assumption Online

Scholar argues that online platforms should foster positive user experiences through self-regulation.

The Boundaries of Internet Speech

The Boundaries of Internet Speech

Scholars debate current challenges in regulating offensive and harmful speech on the internet.

Modern Romance Hinges on Dating App Self-Regulation

Modern Romance Hinges on Dating App Self-Regulation

Scholar proposes that the dating app industry adopt a self-regulatory model to promote user safety.

Is the Fair Housing Act Stifled by Section 230?

Is the Fair Housing Act Stifled by Section 230?

Scholar argues that a platform liability shield limits protection from housing discrimination.

Punting Social Media Company Liability to Congress

Punting Social Media Company Liability to Congress

The Supreme Court affirms social media companies’ business models, dodging for now the issue of liability for harmful speech.

The Supreme Court and the Future of the Internet

The Supreme Court and the Future of the Internet

Upcoming Supreme Court decisions may reshape the legal risks facing tech companies.

Tearing Down Terrorist Content Online

Tearing Down Terrorist Content Online

Scholar urges policymakers to impose liability on platforms that spread terrorist content.

Pushing Social Media Platforms to Self-Regulate

Pushing Social Media Platforms to Self-Regulate

Social media companies may increase content oversight if motivated by federal incentives and liabilities.

The Social Responsibility of Social Media Platforms

The Social Responsibility of Social Media Platforms

Scholar weighs options for putting an end to harmful speech on social media platforms.

Balancing Liberty and the Public Interest in Loot Box Regulation

Balancing Liberty and the Public Interest in Loot Box Regulation

Loot boxes pose a regulatory challenge in the United States.

Reconsidering the Internet’s Liability Shield

Reconsidering the Internet’s Liability Shield

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act faces criticism from across the political spectrum.

Understand the Internet’s Most Important Law Before Changing It

Understand the Internet’s Most Important Law Before Changing It

To determine whether to modify liability protection for internet companies, more information will be needed.