federal agencies

Regulatory Trial and Error

Regulatory Trial and Error

Trial-and-error decision-making could provide great benefits to regulators.

Clinical Trials and Actuarial Judgments

Clinical Trials and Actuarial Judgments

Regulators should rely on both clinical and actuarial judgment when setting policy.

Random Audits and Regulatory Compliance

Random Audits and Regulatory Compliance

Random audit programs should prioritize transparency to enhance legitimacy and minimize reputational risks.

A Proposal for PolicyPilots.gov

A Proposal for PolicyPilots.gov

A centralized platform for rigorous policy pilots would encourage collaboration between agencies and academia.

Using Rigorous Policy Pilots to Improve Governance

Using Rigorous Policy Pilots to Improve Governance

Scholars examine the benefits, challenges, and best practices of evidence-based policymaking.

A Proposal to Help Congress Enact Civil Service Reforms

A Proposal to Help Congress Enact Civil Service Reforms

Congress and the White House should bring scholars together to craft a bipartisan solution to civil service challenges.

How the Government Shutdown Turned into a Judicial Slowdown

How the Government Shutdown Turned into a Judicial Slowdown

Deferred maintenance of the courts is symbolized by failure to reach annual budgetary agreements.