Artificial Intelligence Regulation

Protecting Consumers from the Dark

Protecting Consumers from the Dark

Scholar argues that the EU’s AI Act needs redrafting to protect consumers from manipulative digital practices.

Biden’s Artificial Intelligence Legacy

Biden’s Artificial Intelligence Legacy

Regulators discuss proposals to promote responsible use of artificial intelligence.

A Right to a Better Decision

A Right to a Better Decision

Public preferences for human decisions may give way in time to calls for governmental decisions made by artificial intelligence.

Is AI-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence the Next Pandemic?

Is AI-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence the Next Pandemic?

The rise of deep fakes and other AI-generated misinformation presents a direct threat to women’s freedom.

Why Metaphors Matter in AI Law and Policy

Why Metaphors Matter in AI Law and Policy

Scholar warns that figures of speech play an outsized role in shaping artificial intelligence regulation.

Regulating Wartime Artificial Intelligence

Regulating Wartime Artificial Intelligence

Scholar analyzes potential strategies to regulate wartime use of artificial intelligence.

What Do U.S. Courts Say About the Use of AI?

What Do U.S. Courts Say About the Use of AI?

An analysis of state and federal court decisions uncovers standards to guide governmental use of artificial intelligence.

A Global Administrative Law for an Era of AI

A Global Administrative Law for an Era of AI

Policymakers should follow three steps when regulating artificial intelligence on a global scale.

Building Empathy Into an Automated State

Building Empathy Into an Automated State

A government that increasingly operates on the basis of artificial intelligence will still need to supply human empathy.

Decoding Crypto Currency and AI Regulation

Decoding Crypto Currency and AI Regulation

Sarah Hammer discusses emerging policy questions surrounding advances in AI and cryptocurrency.

How the FTC Could Regulate Algorithmic Discrimination

How the FTC Could Regulate Algorithmic Discrimination

Scholars argue that the FTC can apply its existing authority to combat discriminatory AI.

Copyright and Creativity in the Age of AI

Copyright and Creativity in the Age of AI

Recent lawsuits challenge artificial intelligence tools’ use of original works as copyright infringement.