Series of Essays

Regulatory Essay Competition Winners

Regulatory Essay Competition Winners

The Regulatory Review celebrates winners of innovative essay contest conducted by Penn Law Professor Sophia Lee in her administrative law class.

Debating the Independent Retrospective Review of Regulations

Debating the Independent Retrospective Review of Regulations

The Regulatory Review features the debate over an independent process for reviewing existing rules.

Does Regulation Kill Jobs?

Does Regulation Kill Jobs?

New book from Penn Program on Regulation explores the connection between regulation and employment.

Regulatory Year in Review: 2013

Regulatory Year in Review: 2013

The Regulatory Review celebrates the developments in regulatory news, analysis, and opinion of 2013.

Honoring Robert A. Kagan

Honoring Robert A. Kagan

In a five-part series, The Regulatory Review explores and honors the contributions of political scientist Robert A. Kagan.

The Continuing Debate Over Regulatory Incorporation

The Continuing Debate Over Regulatory Incorporation

The Regulatory Review features continuing debate on “incorporation by reference” after OFR responds to recent petition.

Regulating by Reference

Regulating by Reference

The Regulatory Review features an examination of “incorporation by reference” by legal experts on regulation and administrative law.

Regulatory Breakdown in the United States

Regulatory Breakdown in the United States

The Regulatory Review summarizes the work of leading scholars from the newly published book Regulatory Breakdown: The Crisis of Confidence in U.S. Regulation.

Regulatory Year in Review: 2012

Regulatory Year in Review: 2012

We celebrate the regulatory news, analysis, and opinion developments of 2012.

Remembering James Q. Wilson

Remembering James Q. Wilson

The Penn Program on Regulation celebrates the life and work of scholar James Q. Wilson.

Romney’s Regulatory Plan

Romney’s Regulatory Plan

The Regulatory Review’s five-part series on Romney’s regulatory plan features unique commentary by legal experts on regulation and administrative law.

Regulatory Reform in the 112th Congress

Regulatory Reform in the 112th Congress

The Regulatory Review considers the most prominent regulatory reform bills currently pending in Congress.