Domenic Powell

Domenic Powell is an Administrative Law Fellow of the American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice. He has worked in Congress and as a counsel for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Court-Proofing the Administrative State

Court-Proofing the Administrative State

Recent Supreme Court rulings create the need to insulate administrative decisions from judicial review.

Sex Workers Fight for Safe Conditions After Being Taken Offline

Sex Workers Fight for Safe Conditions After Being Taken Offline

A new law targets online sex trafficking, but critics worry about the consequences for sex workers’ safety.

How Sessions Reshaped the U.S. Immigration Court System

How Sessions Reshaped the U.S. Immigration Court System

In less than two years, the former Attorney General spearheaded significant changes to the U.S. immigration system.

Who Gets to Define the Crime?

Who Gets to Define the Crime?

A case challenging sex offender registration could revive the long-slumbering nondelegation doctrine.