Panel organized by RegBlog and Penn Program on Regulation examines upcoming election’s implications for regulation.
The next five years in regulation depend heavily on this year’s election. Will the administrative state expand to address new issues, or will agency powers be trimmed? With so many hot-button regulatory issues hanging in the balance, the nation seems poised at a constitutional moment: What role should regulation play in American democracy?
A panel of top regulatory thinkers will convene on April 5, 2016 at the University of Pennsylvania Law School to discuss the answers to these very questions. Co-organized by RegBlog and the Penn Program on Regulation, and co-sponsored by the Penn Law chapters of the Federalist Society and American Constitution Society, the panel will
focus on the implications of the upcoming election for regulation over the next five years.
“Few domestic issues are as vital to the nation’s future,” said Cary Coglianese, director of the Penn Program on Regulation, who will moderate the panel. “On the presidential campaign trail today, we see quite different visions of that future—both within and across the political parties.”
The panel will feature a discussion from a diverse group of experts and advocates:
- Sam Batkins, Director of Regulatory Policy,American Action Forum
- Andy Green, Managing Director of Economic Policy, Center for American Progress
- Paul Noe, Vice President for Public Policy, American Forest and Paper Association
- Rena Steinzor, Professor of Law, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
This event is being held on the fifth anniversary of the launch of RegBlog.org, the Penn Program on Regulation’s daily online publication. In the past five years, RegBlog has established itself as a premier online source of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion. Produced by students at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, RegBlog has featured numerous contributors, including heads of regulatory agencies, judges, practitioners, and prominent academics.
“RegBlog aims to make complex regulatory issues accessible and tangible, both to experts and the public alike,” said Coglianese.
The one-hour and twenty-minute panel discussion will be available to watch live online by visiting: https://www.law.upenn.edu/institutes/regulation/livestream.php.
For more details, visit PennReg.org or following: https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/52374/view/event.