Wendell Pritchett

Wendell Pritchett is the Presidential Professor of Law and Education at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. From 2014 to 2015, he served as Interim Dean.

Next Steps in Improving Higher Education Regulation

Next Steps in Improving Higher Education Regulation

The key to improving higher education in the United States lies in selecting the right regulatory tools.

Toward a New Approach to Regulating Higher Education

Toward a New Approach to Regulating Higher Education

A strengthened management-based regime could be combined with a lessening of unnecessary and unhelpful “command and control.”

President Obama’s College Rating Proposal

President Obama’s College Rating Proposal

The college rating controversy reveals the challenges of a performance-based approach to regulating higher education.

Management-Based Regulation of Higher Education

Management-Based Regulation of Higher Education

Regulation of higher education has long been “management-based”—and under attack for being ineffectual.

Types of Regulation

Types of Regulation

Those seeking to reform the regulation of higher education must understand the available tools.

Learning from the “College Rating System” Debate

Learning from the “College Rating System” Debate

The Obama Administration’s failed effort to establish a rating system holds implications for the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.

Improving Higher Education Regulation

Improving Higher Education Regulation

In a six-part series, Provost Wendell Pritchett explains why reforming higher education requires careful analysis of the fundamentals of regulation.